Again, play as the Summoners with all the cooldowns added to the game, and tell me if it's fun to stomach that class. How is that an improvement?! And already assigned key spells? Really? Also, you ruined the Guardian spell, and certain mages can't hit a mob even if they tried. You removed the key to access the spell book window from Diablo 1, a feature IN VANILLA DIABLO 1. Belzebub might have issues, but to be fair it's based on deleted content from Diablo 1. Bombadiers don't have access to blunt weapons or melee, and they need like 4 or 5 sets of potions to be viable (Have fun switching them out). They don't have ranged weapons, and their melee is a joke. Yet it's kinda pointless for a mage to even have 3 slots. Also, you're really bad at dungeon designs because the Cavern levels have some of THE WORST chest layouts I've seen in any ARPG. One hit kill chests aren't fun to experience depending on the class (You're screwed as a Mage until you get Telekinesis.

I'm busting on the Mage classes because it's the group with the most problems from what I experienced.Īnd they're not fun to go through when you get a badly-generated level (You walk in machine gun archers the minute it starts, and a pack of extra strong mobs the minute it starts). Mage, Elementalist, and Warlock aren't different aside from the crappy spells they start with. They're the same crappy class with different pets. Who cares about 29 classes if more than half of them can't even beat normal or feel incomplete like Elementalist and Warlock? Don't even get me started on the bad itemization, and how it's a nightmare to level up Mage classes and their pets/spells because book drops are insanely low. Aside from class traits (that hurt you more than help you), the class variation is a joke (The 3 summoner classes are more or less the same). Every Mage class feels like a total mess, and the spell cooldowns and restrictions the author keeps adding to the Mage classes make them even more unplayable (They can't teleport in certain rooms now. The instructions even say some Mages are incomplete). A lot of people tend to drop the mod because it's full of problems, Mordor:Īnd most of them are pure garbage, incomplete, or both (Every Mage class.

The Hell 2 mod is a total mess, and honestly not worth the aggravation unless you can get into Iron Man tournaments. Stick with the vanilla release, play legit. It doesn't help that you can throw money at him on patreon and make it even more of a mess. Shiggles: The Hell 2 simply has an overly emotional developer, nothing more.