Programs like this make you better at doing lots of low jumps (endurance) rather than making you better at getting the most of your SINGLE max effort jump or dunk. Programs with this style of exercise prescription will have you spinning your wheels. You will see this in programs such as the popular AirAlert program which requires the participant to perform hundreds of small jumps with no emphasis on max explosion. The problem with most popular vertical jump training programs out there is that have way too much volume and too little focus on specificity to derive any significant increase in vertical. You must train with movements and exercises that mimic the vertical jump movement. You see, vertical jump training is all about specificity. Today I will do my best to help break down the process of vertical jump training with particular emphasis on basketball performance. They worked their butts off day in, day out to achieve their dreams. With the correct training, I have seen guys who are 5ft 3inches tall go from touching the backboard to monster 2 hand jams in a few months. I explain to them that vertical jump training is both an art and a science that can unleash the explosive beast from within if correctly applied.

The most common question I get from young basketball players is "How can I increase my vertical leap? I want to dunk a basketball!".